(C) 2012-2024. ООО "ИнтБуСофт". Россия, Медногорск +79018952048

About us

IntBuSoft Ltd was created in 2012 with the goal of developing intelligent software.

IntBuSoft products help improve business efficiency through the introduction of image recognition technologies, computer vision, image processing, etc. The main development platform is the Windows family of operating systems, but the company is not limited to this and porting software for Linux and mobile operating systems. Some software products are open source with minor limiting conditions.

IntBuSoft is ready to cooperate in the area of ​​joint software development, joint software distribution, research, customized software development (contract form that satisfies you), and consulting.

IntBuSoft has connections in an academic environment, in particular, at Orenburg State University, and can conduct high-level research.

Kruchinin Aleksandr Yurevich –  General Director, PhD

Russia, Orenburgskaya obl, Mednogorsk
